Wednesday 5 January 2011

Task Two

Based on the principles that have introduced so far in the Enterprise module, as well as the previous tasks, investigate, analyse and critically evaluate where your potential clients are located

Identify four examples of your selected client group, 1 for each of the following profiles

Local: Opposite cafe

National: BB's coffee

European: Costa

Transnational: Starbucks

VAT increase, national and local
European and transnational- VAT is less than in the UK, greater population therefore applies to more people. More money in larger countries.

European and transnational- Exchange rate may affect graphic design when conducting business abroad.
Local and national- Recession mean people are spending less money

European, transnational, local and national- Sustainability, the green issue, using less packaging.

Social factors
European and transnational- May want local designers rather than overseas, this would be less expensive for them.

Local- Student market, they will affected by holidays and lose customers.

European and transnational- Skype and email allows us to work with them overseas. This saves costs.

Analyse and compare these examples in relation to Political, Economic, Social, and Technological (PEST analysis) factors that affect their use of graphic design, choice of designer and trends that will influence their decisions regarding graphic design.


jane denton said...

this again is a bit thin and confused.try to get into the habit of laying things out logically so they are easily read and absorbed.I can't see that you have done a PEST for each client here as you have mixed them up.Were you unsure about this task? If so,ask any of us to clarify or ask one of your peers as they are doing them too.

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