Monday 22 November 2010

Good- Alton Towers

End of module evaluation

My initial research was mainly secondary, I tried to get a broad knowledge of my 'Good'. I found videos, maps and information about the rides, and my primary research consisted of photographs I took when I visited Alton Towers and a questionnaire I made. I probably spent to much time on unnecessary research and would have benefitted from furthering my knowledge on packaging and print process. I was doing a lot of research before I came up with a concept, this took a while which let me down slightly. I wanted to do something fun and exciting but struggled at first because my research was quite dull and boring. I also wanted it to be different which I also found quite hard as there is already so much out there. It wasn't until towards the end of the brief that I had more ideas I would have liked to of pursued but didn't have the time. I think I have taken this brief a bit too seriously so I know next time to try and have more fun with it.

I wanted to use type and image and eventually I used fabric pattern as a background for my nets. After trying out a few variations of layouts I decided to reduce the amount of imagery I used and focused more on the layout and packaging. As I was using a patterned background you couldn't see the stock so the only thing I really needed to consider with stock was how it would look when folded into packaging. I therefore went for a matte card.

I learnt a lot on this module about print and how important it is in the industry. I found it hard at first to remember which print processes were used for different things but after looking over my notes a lot and further research it started to sink in. I had a go at laser cutting and embossing but quite a few mistakes happened and I didn't have enough time to correct them. I would of loved to have tried foil blocking but didn't feel it was relevant for the work I was doing. I would of also liked to have tried spot varnish as I think it makes a piece of work look really neat and professional but again this wouldn't have been necessary for the work I was doing but perhaps will try it in the future. I also found that the Illustrator, InDesign and Photoshop workshops helped me to develop my skills a lot and made me more confident in using such software.

I struggled at first with design development as I hadn't quite grasped what my concept or message was until I'd had a few crits. I started to develop some designs using layout pads, drawing designs and different variations, but still wasn't sure what they were going to be used for. Eventually I decided I was going to package products for the elderly and promote Alton Towers to them, and this is when I found it a lot easier to design.

The short 'wrap it up' brief helped me to find different nets which could work for the products I wanted to package. After spending a lot of time adjusting the measurements of the nets I was using, and testing them out, I eventually got the right nets I wanted to use. I then just added my designs an tested the nets out again.

I tried to document and blog all my ideas and development as I went along as well as evaluating everything that worked and didn't work. Some of the mistakes I did make were not giving myself enough time to laser cut my work as it ended up taking longer than I thought and also went wrong a few times, which meant I had to re print my designs. I know now for the future to give myself more time.

I was fairly happy with most of my final products but some didn't work as well as I hoped. For example the packaging I made for a pair of slippers were a lot bigger than needed and as they were printed on A1 I couldn't make any test pieces before printing which meant I wasted money on a net that was too big. I had to reprint a few other nets also as some were printed in the wrong size. The packaging for the cards, the tags and the lunchbox all worked as I hoped though which I am happy with.

5 things I would re- do
1- Be more prepared for when mistakes happen
2- Start designing earlier on
3- Make my research more relevant to what I have focused on
4- Have more fun with my work
5- Experiment with more print processes

Good- Alton Towers

Good- Alton Towers

Good- Alton Towers

Monday 15 November 2010

Monday 8 November 2010

Group tutorial prep

1. What is industrial experience?
Seeing how the industry operates
Visiting a studio/manufacturer 
Handling the print and production of a piece of design 
Attaining a professional experience 
Working freelance
Understanding how an organisation functions
Live briefs/competitions 

2. What can you learn from from industrial experience
Develop new skills
Gain contacts- can help me when i leave the course
See how a professional workplace operates 
How their expertise will help me
Gain some direction into where in the industry i would fit in
Become aware of a working environment 
Grow in confidence as a graphic designer 
See what would be right or wrong for me
Get a good view of the people i would be working with 
Learn to work as part of a team 
Communicate effectively 
Cope under pressure
Some skills can only be learnt with actual experience such as, communication skills, 
communicating with a client/employer 
Awareness of the type of jobs that are available to me as a graphic designer 
decide whether i want to work with others in a studio or freelanced
Give you  more of a chance to be known in the industry 

3. What form/format could industrial experience take?
Studio visits 
Volunteer work 
talking to professionals
live competition briefs- shows you how to work to deadlines, publicise your work and work against other designers
seeing what its like to work for a paying employer/client

4. What areas of industry are you interested in?
Embossing, foil blocking

5. What are your concerns about industrial experience?
Am i ready?
Am i good enough?
Do i have enough experience?
Will i be working in an area that suites me?

Thursday 4 November 2010

Enterprise 1.11.10

10 steps to a future you

1. Pro activity 
Stimulus - response

stimulus - choice - response 

circle of concern circle of influence 

Internal, micro, macro environmental 

2. project 
develop a vision of your future 
create a principle- centered personal mission statement extend the mission into long term goals 

Business vision 

                             Priority management                  life plan

Business pan 

begin with the end in mind 

"life is what happens while you busy making other plans" John Lennon 

3. Provide
CLear explanations to people speak in their language, not yours
talk about benefits, not processes 

think- who you are talking to
create- clear messages 
inspire- people with your creativity

4. Prioritise 
Put things first 
keep a proper balance 
stick to your personal mission 

5. presents 
think- win/win
seek outcomes and relationships that are mutually beneficial 
do a favour to gain a favour

Carl Hopkins 
ex college of art student multi-millionaire 

pre- conventional 
post conventional

Kholberg's theory 
I want 
why should i 
nobody listens
short term 

i would be happy 
your needs
i understand 
medium team  

we can 
mutual benefit 
long term 
inter dependant 

6. pause 
pause to listen- give all your attention 
give yourself to the moment
empathise, walk in someones shoes
dont re iterate or interpret 
just listen 
do you really know how they feel or are you just saying how you feel?


seek first to understand then be understood

learn from your differences 

7. proven 

8. partner 
synergy multiplies your talent 
work with experts outside your field to achieve greatness 
James dyson -had to work with a team of engineers 

Antony Gormley- his concept idea but had to have to do it, funding etc 
 Michelangelo had a team of people to do the work 

9. Pit stop 
sharpen up- bolt on, get now
rest, re new revitalise, explore, challenge, excite

10. propel 
extinguish your fears 
exude confidence